Airport Greenery

Chiang Mai, Thailand
185/28 Wualai Rd, T. Haiya, A. Muang,
Airport GreeneryRecognized by the Ministry of Energy this apartment and hotel facility applies solar power and heat from an air conditioning compressor to produce the hot water supply for the entire complex eliminating the need for a water heater. Additionally the green conscious accommodation is located very near to conveniences and facilities such as Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport mall Tesco Lotus and Rimping Supermarket. All rooms are decorated in a European classic luxury style. Services here are as appreciative as other leading hotels and Airport Greenery doesn't miss a beat. From the 60-car parking area to the swimming pool laundry service security guard 32 CCTV cameras an American food restaurant and 12mb Internet life here is very comfortable. Whether your stay is monthly weekly or daily you'll not be deprived of the highest standard of service.

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