Oasis Hotel

Corfu, Greece
2 возрасни
6 km from the airport and 7 km from the town of Corfu, this hotel offers beautiful views and excellent accommodation for a perfect sea-side vacation. All comfortably furnished rooms have air-conditioning, refrigerator and TV. In addition to the private beach, the hotel offers a fresh water swimming pool. A playground will keep the children occupied, but parents can also opt to use the services of professional babysitters, while enjoying a drink at poolside or beach bar. The hotel restaurant also offers outdoor dining with a view over the blue Ionian Sea. For stays in 2019, the half board will include : 500 ml of mineral water plus 330 ml of choice of draught beer, glass of wine, or soft drink (per person / per meal). The menu is comprised a wide variety of delicious Greek dishes, and meals for vegetarians and diabetics are also available on request. Children under 12 years stay free in extra bed. Extra bed for over 12 years old is also possible at extra charge. Extra bed or crib is upon request and needs to be confirmed by management.

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