It is equipped with a reception as well as a parking area (for free). Room cleaning is free of charge. Pool: In the outdoor area of the hotel you will find one pool.
Bicycle rental. Additional information: Additional fees may apply for certain facilities, amenities or activities. Some services depend on the local climatic conditions and the season. Languages spoken: English. In this hotel credit cards are not accepted. The hotel is gay-friendly. Some services and facilities might be closed or offered with restrictions due to COVID19 Prevention measurement. Changes can be applied without previous notice. Deluxe Studio: The modern furnished rooms are equipped with double bed, heating (individually adjustable), kettle (for free), internet (for free), safe (for free) and flat screen TV as well as individually adjustable air conditioning. Bathroom with shower. Towels are changed 2 times a week. 2 Bedroom Villa (Private Pool ): The modern furnished rooms with living room are equipped with double bed or twin bed, sofa bed as extra bed, baby cot (for free), heating (individually adjustable), kettle (for free), internet (for free), safe (for free) and flat screen TV as well as individually adjustable air conditioning. Bathroom with shower (room size: 90 m²). Towels are changed 2 times a week. 2 Bedroom Comfort Villa (Private Pool ): The modern furnished rooms with living room are equipped with double bed or twin bed, sofa bed as extra bed, baby cot (for free), heating (individually adjustable), kettle (for free), internet (for free), safe (for free) and flat screen TV as well as individually adjustable air conditioning. Bathroom with shower (room size: 90 m²). Towels are changed 2 times a week. 2 Bedroom Deluxe Villa (Private Pool ): The modern furnished rooms with living room are equipped with double bed or twin bed, sofa bed as extra bed, baby cot (for free), heating (individually adjustable), kettle (for free), internet (for free), safe (for free) and flat screen TV as well as individually adjustable air conditioning. Bathroom with shower (room size: 90 m²). Towels are changed 2 times a week. 2 Bedroom Standard Villa (Private Pool ): The modern furnished rooms with living room are equipped with double bed or twin bed, sofa bed as extra bed, baby cot (for free), heating (individually adjustable), kettle (for free), internet (for free), safe (for free) and flat screen TV as well as individually adjustable air conditioning. Bathroom with shower (room size: 90 m²). Towels are changed 2 times a week.
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