Villa Panorea

Corfu, Greece
2 возрасни
Villa Panorea is located in Moraitika resort and includes studios, rooms and apartments all in a lovely garden only 1 minute from Moraitika sandy beach. We believe that comfort and hospitality will make Villa Panorea a place for holidays to worth your money. Moraitika is a coastal settlement 20km south of the city. The region distinguishes for its tourist growth and hotel units. The settlement is built near the river Messongi’s mouth. There, you can see the remains of a greek roman building. According to archaeological excavations, the region is inhabited since neolithic Age. In fact you can see the remains of a temple from the 3rd century BC. Very close to it, is the settlement of Agios Ioannis Peristeron. Its a quiet resort with pleanty of stores and restaurants.  

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Hotel facilities

Pets allowed, Airport / Port Transfer Service

Room facilities

May include:, Individually Controlled Air Condition

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