Magia Apartments

Crete (All locations), Greece
Magia Apartments is located in the west side of Chania at the peaceful and friendly neighborhood of Nea Chora. |The apartments are approximately 15m away of one of the most beautiful well organized beach of the town distinguished by the blue flag. The sandy beach with shallow water is suitable for children. Lengthwise the beach are several café and fish taverns. |The visitors can easily go on foot to the center of the town that is 500m away and also visit the venecian harbor and the old town, where they can see the sightseeing's and enjoy themsehelves at the atmospherical café, restaurants, taverns and bars. |Magia Apartments has 4 studios of 2 or 3 persons and 3 apartments of 4 persons. Each of them is fully furnished with kitcenette and dinner area, is air-conditioned and has TV. |All the rooms have their own balcony with sea view. There is also free parking area.|

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